5. Bluffs Middle School Named Nebraska Outstanding Middle School for Career and Technical Education
5. Bluffs Middle School Named Nebraska Outstanding Middle School for Career and Technical Education
Bluffs Middle School was named the 2023 Named Nebraska Outstanding Middle School for Career and Technical Education. This award is designed to recognize the outstanding achievement of career and technical education programs in junior high/middle schools, high schools, and postsecondary institutions.
- Criteria for this award includes:
- Instructional programs aligned to the Nebraska Career and Technical Education Model
- Programs that demonstrate quality areas such as:
- Student achievement in both career and academic arenas
Innovative instruction based on a state model program of study
- Leadership and personal development through career technical student organizations
- Effective implementation of career guidance and work-based learning
- Alignment to Nebraska’s workforce needs and economic priorities
- Community engagement
“Bluffs Middle School is pleased to be named the 2023 Named Nebraska Outstanding Middle School for Career and Technical Education,” said Jana Mason, Principal. “We appreciate all of our community partners who continue to provide high-quality career exploration opportunities for the students at Bluffs Middle School as well as the BMS Staff who encourages all students to learn and grow through career exploration.”
Family and Consumer Science instructors Baily Kreider and Anne Schmall accepted the award on behalf of BMS and the District. For more information visit: https://www.education.ne.gov/nce/nebraska-career-education-conference/awards/#1542308947714-b08f2367-2b4a